Showing posts with label PT Equityworld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PT Equityworld. Show all posts

Friday, March 10, 2017

Pergerakan bursa Wall Street Menantikan Data Non Farm Payrolls - Equityworld Futures

Equityworld Futures memperkirakan saham Wall Street langkah berikutnya akan menjadi lemah jika data Non Farm Payrolls untuk Februari menurun belum direalisasi. Pertukaran juga akan mengamati harga minyak mentah dan kebijakan pembangunan pemerintah dari kami Presiden Donald Trump.

Malam akan data Non Farm Payrolls dirilis pada bulan Februari yang menunjukkan penurunan. 

Bursa saham AS ditutup datar di ujung perdagangan Jumat meskipun hati-hati investor dengan mengamati data kunci kerja AS bahwa malam akan dirilis kemudian. Index Dow Jones Industrial Average up 3 poin, dengan saham Johnson Johnson berkontribusi & keuntungan di paling. Indeks S p 500 ditutup & di atas titik impas, dengan terkemuka memperkuat sektor kesehatan.

Indeks komposit Nasdaq naik tipis. Februari nonfarm payrolls laporan ini diharapkan akan dirilis akhir Jumat malam.

baca: Equityworld Futures : Harga EMAS 10 Maret Turun Ke Titik Terendah dalam 5 Minggu

Pada hari Rabu, ADP dan Moody mengatakan perusahaan swasta ditambahkan pekerjaan bulan lalu, perkiraan mengatasi 298,000. Goldman Sachs dan UBS kemudian menaikkan perkiraan mereka untuk laporan hari Jumat diikuti sejumlah lonjakan ADP.

Laporan hari Jumat akan menjadi kunci untuk Wall Street karena mencari salah satu kunci lain untuk membenarkan kenaikan suku bunga US Federal Reserve Rabu depan.

Ekspektasi pasar untuk kenaikan suku bunga minggu depan telah meroket dalam beberapa pekan terakhir di tengah Netanyahu retorika Fed dan data ekonomi yang padat.

Menurut CME Group FedWatch alat, harapan kenaikan suku bunga pada bulan Maret di 90.8 persen. US Treasury memperpanjang kerugian dalam perdagangan sore, dengan 10 tahun hasil pendakian.

Hasil benchmark catatan di atas 2,6 persen. Depan data pada awal pengangguran klaim Kamis, bangkit kembali dari 44 tahun di posisi terendah, dengan harga impor naik 0,2 persen.

Index Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 2,46 0.01 poin, atau persen menjadi ditutup pada 8, 858.19, dengan kenaikan tertinggi saham Johnson dan Johnson saham & Caterpillar yang turun. Indeks dari S P 500 naik & 1.89 poin, atau persen, menjadi 0.08 berakhir di 2, 364.87, dengan sektor kesehatan dipimpin sektor lima yang lebih tinggi dan sektor real estate yang turun Agung. Indeks Nasdaq naik 1,25 0.02 poin, atau persen menjadi ditutup pada 5, 838.81.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

EQUITY WORLD : Minyak memegang dekat $53 Irak mengatakan OPEC mungkin perlu memperluas pemotongan

EQUITY WORLD: Minyak diperdagangkan di $53 barel seperti Irak mengatakan itu adalah siap untuk memotong produksi di paruh kedua tahun jika OPEC memutuskan untuk memperpanjang kebijakan yang membatasi output dalam upaya untuk keseimbangan kelebihan pasokan global.

Berjangka di New York sedikit berubah setelah menurun 0,2 persen pada hari Senin. Irak adalah puas dengan harga minyak dan harapan untuk perbaikan, negara Å“somewhat™ s minyak Menteri, Jabbar Al-Luaibi, mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara.

EQUITY WORLD : Harga Minyak Mentah Turun Pengaruhi Bursa Wall Street, PT EQUITYWORLD FUTURES

Baca: EQUITY WORLD : Harga Minyak Mentah Turun Pengaruhi Bursa Wall Street, PT EQUITYWORLD FUTURES

Libya produksi turun setelah bentrokan memaksa dua minyak terbesar Port untuk menutup, mengancam negara™ s upaya untuk menghidupkan kembali produksi. Minyak volumenya sebagai investor menilai apakah US output dan persediaan keuntungan akan menyakiti upaya oleh organisasi negara pengekspor minyak dan negara-negara lain untuk mengurangi banjir.

Di AS, produsen ditambahkan lebih rig dan produksi meningkat ke tertinggi dalam hampir satu tahun, sementara pasokan minyak Saudi jatuh oleh 90.000 barel per hari pada bulan Februari dari satu bulan lebih awal. West Texas Intermediate untuk pengiriman April diperdagangkan di $53.17 per barel di New York Mercantile Exchange, turun 3 sen, di 10:42 pagi di Sydney.

Kontrak jatuh 13 sen untuk menetap di $53.20 pada hari Senin. Brent untuk penyelesaian Mei naik 11 sen untuk $56.01 per barel pada pertukaran berbasis di London ICE Futures Eropa pada hari Senin. Patokan global mengakhiri sesi pada premi $2,30 hingga Mei WTI.


Thursday, March 2, 2017


EQUITYWORLD FUTURES : Indeks dolar yang menunjukkan kekuatan memanfaatkan dolar sebagai terhadap banyak saingan utamanya di tengah ahli forex sesi Asia masih bullish di 101.78 dari ahli sebelumnya setelah dibuka pada posisi 101.71. Ahli sebelumnya dolar sebagai ditutup dengan posisi 101.72.

Reli dolar panjang sebagai yang s terbentuk sejak ahli akhir pekan lalu masih terus berlanjut hingga ahli forex sesi Asia hari Kamis (2/3) setelah ahli sesi Amerika sebelumnya melaju ke posisi tertinggi dalam 7 minggu melawan Rukan saingan utamanya.


Tenaga kuat yang didapat dolar pagi ini masih menerima sentimen positif dari pernyataan hawkish Menteri senior Fed.

Tokoh hawkish yang cukup terkenal dari Fed, Lael Brainard dalam kuliah umum di Cambridge mengambil tema Outlook Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Moneter menyatakan kenaikan suku bunga akan segera di prioritaskan mengingat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terus serta tuntutan ekonomi global.

Selain itu itu William Duedley juga menyatakan kenaikan suku bunga likuid suatu yang yang harus difokuskan atau diprioritaskan.

Baca : EQUITYWORLD FUTURES : Harga Emas Turun Setelah Komentar Dari US Federal Reserve

Selain itu komentar Menteri hawkish Fed tersebut, dolar juga menerima kekuatan memanfaatkan dari rilis data ekonomi pendapatan pribadi dan inti PCE indeks bulan Januari yang meningkat serta rilis data manufaktur PMI yang juga meningkat.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Harga Emas Akan Melonjak Minggu Ini Jika Ada Kekhawatiran Di Zona Euro

PT Equityworld - Emas adalah di bawah tekanan pada hari pertama perdagangan minggu lalu, dan penurunan akan berlanjut RBC kekayaan manajemen George Gero berkata.

"Tekanan Jual emas yang diharapkan terjadi karena kami memiliki kesulitan ganda minggu opsi kedaluwarsa pada Comex... juga makan yang berbicara minggu dan saham kuat, dolar kuat mendominasi sentimen," tambahnya.

Equity World, PT Equityworld, Equityworld Futures
GOLD - Equity World, PT Equityworld, Equityworld Futures

Namun, ada harapan untuk logam minggu ini mengingat ketidakpastian yang terjadi di luar negeri. "Penjualan mungkin tidak bertahan setelah hari pemberitahuan pertama minggu ini saat kita menghadapi pemilu berita di Belanda, Perancis, Jerman dan lebih politis ketidakpastian," kata Gero.

PT Equityworld: Menurut Mitsubishi, pasar emas pemantauan untuk utang dan masalah lain di Eropa.

Emas terus meningkat tapi mendapatkan wajah perlawanan di sekitar level $1,245. "Harga bisa diangkat minggu ini jika zona euro kekhawatiran muncul kembali.

Permintaan fisik di Asia telah melambat, menurut toko lokal dengan SGE premi (Shanghai Gold Exchange) dipremi kembali dalam waktu kurang dari 1% dan India akan diskon, "ditambahkan Mitsubishi. PT Equityworld

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

PT EQUITYWORLD estimate the Hang Seng Index may rise to the strengthening of Wall Street

PT EQUITYWORLD estimate the Hang Seng Index may rise to the strengthening of Wall Street. The index is expected to move in the range of 23.564 to 23.086 Support, and if the ride will move in the range of 24.586 to 25.046 Resistance.

PT EQUITYWORLD estimate the Hang Seng Index may rise to the strengthening of Wall Street
Equity World, PT Equityworld, Equityworld Futures

In early trade Hong Kong stock exchange on Wednesday (22/02), the Hang Seng index opened positive, when it was observed rose 187.88 points or 0.78 percent at 24151.51. Hong Kong stocks rose on Wednesday morning, after the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted eight consecutive record close on Tuesday night, the longest winning streak in eight months.

PT EQUITYWORLD: US stocks closed at a record high in late trading on Wednesday morning (22/02) supported the increase in crude oil and government policies Trump.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 118.95 points, or 0.58 percent. The S & P 500 rose 14.22 points, or 0.6 percent, to finish at 2,365.38. The Nasdaq index rose 23.37 points, or 0.47 percent, to close at 5,865.95.

Annual report released earnings results on Tuesday for Hong Kong property developer Hysan Development, competition from New World Development, Sino Land, the Chinese brand Anta sports shoes, clothing retailer Esprit Holdings, Bossini International.

Shares of New World Development jumped 3 percent to HK $ 9.72, Sino Land Company rose 0.8 percent to HK $ 12.76, and Hysan Development gained 0.3 percent to HK $ 35.1.

Anta shares rose 2.3 percent to HK $ 24.65, Esprit rose 1.3 percent to HK $ 6.36, and Bossini flat at 48 cents Hong Kong.

PT EQUITYWORLD: While the Hang Seng index futures tracked rose 184.00 points, or 0.77 percent, at 24,086.00, up from the previous closing at 23,902.00.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Apakan Rokok Elektrik Aman Bagi Paru-paru ? Ini Kata Dokter !!

Rokok elektronik atau rokok elektrik menjadi fenomena baru di masyarakat Indonesia. Banyak yang beralih ke asap rokok listrik karena mereka berpikir seperti cara ini lebih aman dan trendi, tanpa mengurangi kenikmatan merokok tembakau itu sendiri. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah e-rokok yang aman?

Menurut Craig Youngblood, presiden rokok elektrik pembuat InLife perusahaan, produk buatan sendiri lebih aman daripada rokok tembakau. Dia juga menyatakan rokok listrik bebas polusi dan tidak berbau karena untuk melepaskan uap, tidak merokok.

Apakah e-rokok yang aman - Kata Dokter

Namun, Norman Edelman, kepala medis dari American Lung Association mengatakan bahwa pernyataan bahwa e-rokok yang lebih aman tidak cukup valid untuk efek jangka panjang dari e-rokok belum teruji secara klinis.

Gold Prices Rise Top 2 Months Related Demand Haven, Weakening Dollar : EQUITY WORLD

Para peneliti di University of South California menemukan bahwa meskipun e-rokok mengandung beberapa logam beracun lebih tinggi dari rokok biasa, e-rokok secara keseluruhan adalah pilihan yang lebih aman.

Kebanyakan lembaga internasional dan nasional berpartisipasi dalam memberikan umpan balik tentang keamanan dan peredaran rokok elektrik.

Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO)

WHO merilis sebuah laporan dengan saran untuk tidak menggunakan e-rokok di dalam ruangan karena produk ini dapat mengeluarkan racun seperti rokok biasa. Meskipun tidak memancarkan asap, uap rokok elektrik yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya juga dapat menyebabkan polusi udara. WHO juga merekomendasikan untuk tidak menjual e-rokok kepada orang di bawah usia 18 tahun.

Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Badan (BPOM)

Demikian pula, di Indonesia, Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) telah memperingatkan masyarakat bahwa rokok listrik di pasar adalah ilegal dan keamanan produk yang belum terbukti. Menurut BPOM, e-rokok yang mengandung nikotin cair dan pelarut propilen glikol, dieter glikol dan gliserin. Jika semua bahan dipanaskan akan menghasilkan senyawa nitrosamine. Senyawa dapat menyebabkan kanker.

Apa pun Rokok Kandungan Listrik?

rokok elektrik atau juga disebut sistem pengiriman nikotin sebagai elektronik (ENDS) adalah vaporizer bertenaga baterai yang dapat menyebabkan sensasi seperti merokok tembakau. Itu tidak terlihat menyerupai rokok dan beberapa dirancang berbeda. rokok elektrik pertama kali dipatenkan oleh apoteker Cina Hon Lik pada tahun 2003. Kemudian dipasarkan di China pada tahun 2004 melalui perusahaan Golden Dragon Holdings (sekarang disebut Ruyan).

Di dalamnya ada sebuah tabung rokok elektrik yang berisi larutan cair yang dapat diisi ulang. Solusi ini mengandung nikotin, propilen glikol, gliserin, dan perasa. Solusi ini dipanaskan, maka uap akan muncul asap. Beberapa perusahaan menjual perasa cair tertentu. Di antara perasa lainnya mentol / mint, karamel, buah, kopi, atau cokelat.

Nikotin adalah zat yang ditemukan dalam daun tembakau. Nikotin berfungsi sebagai stimulan dan efek candu. Itulah sebabnya banyak perokok sulit untuk berhenti merokok.

propilen glikol

Propylene glycol adalah senyawa organik cair yang tidak berbau dan tidak berwarna, tetapi memiliki rasa sedikit manis. Pengawas Authority FDA atau Food and Drug Amerika Serikat telah menyatakan bahwa senyawa ini aman jika digunakan dalam konsentrasi rendah.


Gliserin adalah cairan kental tidak berbau dan tidak berwarna. Zat-zat ini sering digunakan dalam formulasi campuran farmasi. Cairan manis yang dianggap non-toxic sering juga digunakan oleh industri makanan. Gliserin berfungsi sebagai pengantar penggunaan rasa dan nikotin dalam rokok elektronik.
Sampai saat ini, rokok elektrik status keamanan terutama efek jangka panjang masih diperdebatkan karena klaim dari produsen belum terbukti sepenuhnya. Beberapa studi telah menemukan bahwa rokok listrik dapat memicu peradangan dalam tubuh, infeksi paru-paru dan meningkatkan risiko asma, stroke dan penyakit jantung. Langkah terbaik yang dapat Anda ambil adalah untuk menghindari hal-hal yang belum diverifikasi. Akan lebih baik jika kita bisa benar-benar tergantung pada nikotin dan zat apapun.


Dok saya cuman ingin berbagi pengalaman ttg rokok elektrik/vapor. Seminggu ini saya tdk merokok tembakau, karena sdh digantikan dg rokok elektrik. banyak sisi positifnya, badan tdk bau, tidak ada sampah rokok dan flek pada gigi saya berkurang serta badan saya tambah melar. saya menggunakan cairan yg 0mg nikotin. Bahkan pemakaian vapor ini ga sesering merokok tembakau. saya sgt sesalkan apabila pemerintah ingin menghilangkan rokok jenis ini (vapor), hrs nya rokok tembakau yg dihilangkan. Dgn vapor spt nya upaya sy untuk berhenti merokok sgt tinggi..

Hello, Apresiasi atas keberhasilan Anda dapat berhenti dari rokok tembakau, dan terima kasih atas masukannya dan atas pengalamannya yang berharga kepada komunitas Indonesia. Namun, penggunaan rokok elektrik tetap harus dipergunakan secara hati-hati. Rokok elektrik telah diteliti keamanannya oleh asosiasi paru-paru di Amerika dan hasilnya belum dinyatakan 100 % aman, karena masih dapat berpotensi menyebabkan penyakit kanker, radang paru-paru, asma dan penyakit jantung akibat zat-zat kimia yang dikandungnya. Oleh karena itu WHO dan BPOM masih menunggu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk keamanan penggunaan rokok elektrik dalam jangka panjang.

 Tetapi sebuah pencapaian besar yang telah Anda peroleh saat ini untuk dapat berhenti dari penggunaan rokok tembakau. Kesuksesan yang besar bermula pada  langkah yang kecil. Semoga sukses selalu, dr Henry Andrean

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Imbas Transisi Trump dan US Dollar oleh Gary Wagner

Hitung mundur terus, karena sekarang hanya tiga hari tetap sampai Donald Trump menjadi 45 Presiden Amerika Serikat.

Meskipun ada tetap menjadi banyak ketidakpastian tentang apa yang akan mencapai pemerintahan baru ini, gaya kepemimpinan truf "tangan di atas" mulai muncul. Kita sedang menyaksikan metodologi unik bahkan sebelum ia mengambil sumpah jabatan.

Bagaimana Trump pemandangan US Dollar kekuatan dalam sebuah wawancara dengan the Wall Street Journal, Trump mengatakan bahwa dolar AS, "terlalu kuat." "Perusahaan kami tidak dapat bersaing dengan mereka [perusahaan Cina] sekarang karena mata uang kami terlalu kuat.


"Dan itu adalah membunuh kita." Pada saat yang sama, kami juga merupakan awal untuk melihat penasihatnya senior maju nya pesan dan ideologi.

Anthony Scaramucci, yang akan menjadi penasihat senior Gedung Putih dalam tiga hari, berbicara di Forum ekonomi dunia hari ini dan memperingatkan tentang kelemahan dari US dollar lebih kuat.

Menurut Reuters, katanya itu bisa membuatnya sulit untuk Presiden-Elect untuk memberikan pada janji revitalisasi ekonomi US.

"Kita perlu hati-hati tentang meningkatnya mata uang, tidak hanya karena apa yang terjadi di dunia internasional tapi akan memiliki dampak internal ke Amerika Serikat juga.

" Setahun untuk emas untuk Shine sebagai kita dolar tetes sejak Januari 3, pedagang telah menyaksikan kira-kira 3% penurunan nilai Dollar indeks. Pada saat yang sama, kita telah melihat harga emas meningkat secara dramatis, bergerak dari sekitar $1143 pada awal Januari ke $1215 per ons saat ini.

Kita tentu saja mulai untuk melihat perubahan besar dari bearish sentimen bullish pasar dalam hal harga emas. Lebih kelanjutan dolar kelemahan akan memberikan tailwind lama dibutuhkan.

Ini akan menjadi perbedaan utama dari peningkatan indeks dolar kita dramatis tahun lalu, dan pasti bisa menambah momentum ke atas saat ini kita sedang menyaksikan harga emas.

Bagi mereka yang ingin memperdalam analisis, saya mengundang Anda sign up untuk percobaan gratis dari newsletter video harian, "Perkiraan emas." Hanya menggunakan link di bagian bawah laporan ini untuk mendaftar. Berharap Anda seperti biasa, baik perdagangan,

Gary Wagner | PT Equityworld

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Priyanka Chopra was rushed to the hospital An accident While Filming

Priyanka Chopra has just experienced ominously at the Quantico shooting series appearances. In this crime drama series, Priyanka Chopra had an accident and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Offered from ET Online, Monday (16/1/2016), Priyanka Chopra Middle doing a dangerous scene when he slipped and fell. That wretched, when his head hit the floor fell in. As a result, he suffered a mild head injury. He was rushed to the hospital and got the doctor's handling.

Lucky, the injuries experienced by Priyanka Chopra is not too serious. A day later he was allowed to go home and be cared for at home. Priyanka Chopra's representative also called 34 this year-old actress will soon be back filming.

Equityworld Futures | Gold Prices Touched Highest Level, Nikkei Opened Negative January 17

"He is resting comfortably at home on the orders of doctors and would soon be back filming after the end of this week." Priyanka Chopa. Priyanka Chopra himself was also instantly soothe fans who are worried by the situation.

He uploading a tweet about the condition of his health. "Thank you for your warm greetings and hope you all. I'll be just fine, and can hardly wait to get back to work as soon as possible, "wrote Priyanka Chopra.

Monday, January 16, 2017

EQUITY WORLD | La La Land TWO BIG at the Box Office

PT Equityworld Futures - Last weekend became a shining moment for ' La La Land '.

After a dominating victory at the Golden Globes, musical drama starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling also went into the ranks of the tops box office. ' La La Land ' of sitting at number two.

The rating indicates the rising of earned income. ' La La Land ' reach $14.5 million from its run in theaters in North America rose about 43 percent from the previous weeks. The first stage box office itself was occupied by the ' Hidden ' Figures. A biographical drama starring Taraji p.

PHOTO EQUITY WORLD | La La Land ' two big at the Box Office

Henson successfully earned $22.8 million. But ' La La Land ' targeted gain about $3 million at the beginning of this week. So that ' La La Land ' will go beyond the achievement of a remake of the musical ' Annie ' in the list of the most popular movie musical of all time.

There are animated Illumination/Universal which are behind the film ' Sing ' in the third position. Involving Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, also ' Sing ' pocketed revenue at the end of last week to $13.8 million.

While it's ' Star Wars: Rogue ' being in the order of One to four. This series is in the ranks of the box office for the past week.

From its run in theaters in the area of North America, last week's ' the One ' Rogue managed to earn income to $13.76 million.

And five box office closed the horror of ' The Man ' Bye Bye. The film won up to $13.4 million and becoming a movie that managed to enter the top five when it was released at the weekend.

EQUITY WORLD : The following list of box office more information.

1. Hidden Figures 2. La La Land 3. Sing 4. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 5. The Bye Bye Man 6. Patriots Day 7. Monster Trucks 8. Sleepless 9. Underworld: Blood Wars 10. Passengers

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

U.S. stock exchanges closed mixed at the end of trading Tuesday (10 January 2017) | PT Equityworld

PT Equityworld estimates the stock will move up Wall Street with a positive u.s. economic data. But will also be observing the movement of crude oil prices and the development of global exchanges.

 U.S. Stock Exchanges PT Equityworld

U.S. stock exchanges closed mixed at the end of trading Tuesday, Wednesday (10/01), the affected anjloknya crude oil price and investor wariness ahead of the earnings reporting issuers. U.S. crude oil prices plummeted 3.76 per cent to end at $51.96 a barrel, on fears of U.S. production.

The Nasdaq Index rose 0.19% and reached new record highs, with the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (IBB) ETF and the Apple stock rose about 1 percent. Leading the IBB higher Ariad Pharmaceuticals, which have surged more than 75 percent after announcing taken over by Takeda Pharmaceutical company, a leading Japan.

PT Equityworld : Gold is highly sensitive to U.S. interest rate hikes

The Dow Jones index down about 75 points, with Goldman Sachs shares contributed the most in the loss. Index of S P 500 skidded around & 0.4 percent, with energy and utilities sector fell more than 1 percent.

The three main indexes posted a new record intraday highs on Friday, with the Dow near towards the psychological mark of 20,000. Financial giants Bank of America, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase is one of the companies scheduled to report earnings this week.

The financial sector has registered a sharp rally since the US election victory of Donald Trump, up 17.9 percent since November 8, at the close Friday. No major economic data on Monday.

However, Atlanta Federal Reserve President Dennis Lockhart said in a speech that the central bank should step down, because of the economic crisis "mostly done." Lockhart will retire from his post in February.

Separately, the Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren said the U.S. central bank should increase the pace of interest rate increases from the pattern once a year it has been pursued since the year 2015, warning of the risk of inflation if not done. "I hope that the right monetary policy would need to normalize more quickly than last year," Rosengren said in prepared remarks.

The U.S. dollar index, which measures the greenback's performance against six other currencies, traded 0.26 percent lower. U.S. Treasury climbed on Monday, with the yield two-year bonds slipped to 1.19 percent bond yields and 10-year fell to 2.376 percent. The Dow Jones index was down 76.42 points, or 0.38 percent, to close at 7, 887.38, with the decline of the highest shares of ExxonMobil stock and Merck rose.

Index of S P 500 skidded & 8.08 points, or 2 percent, to 0.35, 268.90, with the energy sector led the eight lower sector and health care sector rose the highest. The Nasdaq Index rose 10.76 0.19 points, or percent, to close at 5537.

The night will be released economic data NFIB Business Optimism Index for December, JOLTs Job Openings November Wholesale Inventories MoM November, all of which indicated increased.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

This Explanation Sri Mulyani reserved Termination with JP Morgan

PT EQUITY WORLD-Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati open votes after deciding all the relations of partnership with JP Morgan Chase Bank. According to the woman who was often accosted Ani that, the termination of the relationship with JP Morgan conducted after the Government conducts the evaluation. As a result, the cooperation of JP Morgan rated unfavorable by the Government.

This Explanation Sri Mulyani reserved Termination with JP Morgan

"The Government of Indonesia do cooperation because it considered that it would be beneficial for us and our partners," said Ani in a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (3/1/2016).

As is known, in his November 2016, those financial institutions lowered Indonesia's investment recommendation from overweight into underweight.

PT EQUITYWORLD : Wall Street Stock Rose After The Release Of The Fed Meeting Treatise

The research was considered potentially Kemenkeu cause misunderstandings that can interfere with the Indonesia economy is struggling to grow amid a weakening global economy. According to Ani, the Government will respect all products carried out by the Research Institute provided must be accurate, credible, and certainly his research methodology.

Former Executive Director of the World Bank that also say, it should have all the partners the Government has the responsibility of creating a positive psychological for the economic development of Indonesia. "The bigger the name, the more he has greater responsibility in terms of quality and the ability to create confidence," she said of the birth of Lampung, 53 years ago that. No allergic reaction despite the break with JP Morgan, the Government asserts is not anti-critique of research results from international institutions

 It's just that, accuracy, credibility, and his research methodology should be clear. The Government, said Ani, need to hear what the view from outside the community or institution that has high credibility. It was judged essential to do a repair of internal government.

However, Ani warned that institutions that cooperate with the Government, let alone have the big names, have a great responsibility to create a positive psychology for the economy. "Not (thus) performs what is called miss leading.

Therefore, after we evaluate, we want the whole stakeholder gets the same message. Let us work positively, "said Ani. "The Government will make improvements in all of our economic fundamental policy and we hope that in policy-recognize and report. If it's less, we will fix it, "said the former Executive Director of the World Bank it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

EQUITYWORLD FUTURES : The price of gold was Stable at Rp Antam 586 Thousand per Gram (04/01)

EQUITYWORLD FUTURES-The gold price is PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) or gold Antam remains in the range of Usd 586 thousand per gram on trading of Wednesday (3/1/2017).

This is the benchmark selling price in precious metals gold boutique Antam Pulogadung, Jakarta. While prices in other precious metals gold boutique can be different. However, the price of gold buyback Antam rose Rp 500 to Rp 4,000 thousand per gram.

EQUITYWORLD FUTURES  The price of gold was Stable at Rp Antam 586 Thousand per Gram

EQUITYWORLD FUTURES : Gold Is Up Crude Oil Slumped 2.6 Percent Impact Of The U.S. Dollar

Antam sell gold with a size of 1 gram up to 500 grams. Until 08.18 GMT, some the size of gold Antam are not available.

Gold size Antam not available among other gold size Antam 1 gram, 2 g, 3 g, 5 g, 100 g and 250 grams. Antam also sell gold painted batik. For the price of gold batik with a size of 10 grams, Antam sells it at Rp 5,970,000 or Rp number 597 thousand per gram. But the size of the gold batik Antam 10 grams is not available.

While the size of the 20 gram, Antam sell it at the price of Rp 11,545,000 or USD 600/250 per gram. For this size still available is good for complexion Sido Mukti, Mega Clouded, and Barong Machete. In addition to gold batik, Antam also issued gold bullion with thematic packaging.

At this time the Antam issued gold bullion packaging Eid al-Fitr. For the size of 1 g for sale at the price of Rp 661,000. Size 2 grams sold for Rp 1,207,000 and Rp 2,860,000 for sale 5 grams. However, the entire gold size Antam Eid Edition has sold out.

Here's the list price of gold sold Fractional Antam: * 586,000 * Rp 1 gram 5 grams Fractional Rp 2,785,000 Rp 10 grams Fractions * 5,520,000 * Rp 25 grams 13,725,000 Fractions * Fractional * 27,400,000 Rp 50 grams 100 grams of Fractional Rp 54,750,000 Rp 250 grams of Fractional * 136,750,000 * Fractional 500 grams of Rp 273,300,000. Gold Price Gold Antam

EQUITYWORLD FUTURES estimated the price of gold to trade will further observe the movement of the U.S. dollar.

The strengthening of exchanges of Wall Street and US interest rates hike hwakishnya can press the gold price. Gold prices are expected to move in the range of $1.158 Support-$ 1.156, but if the price rises will move in a range of $1.162 Resistance-$ 1.164.

The price of gold remove the previous decline and traded sharp rise in late trading Wednesday on Wednesday (04/01), ignoring the rising us dollar enters the new year.

Spot gold prices rose $7.89 LLG, or 0.7 percent. at $1, 160.10 an ounce. U.S. gold futures prices for March delivery ended at $1,162 per ounce. Precious metals coming from the biggest quarterly loss in more than three years.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

PT Equityworld : Us Dollar flirts with the high of 14 years December 21, 2016 As Overall Performance

PT Equityworld - U.S. Dollar was camped near 14-year peak on Wednesday as overall performance spreads moved inexorably in his favor, while a yen fall is lifted japanese shares to a peak of the year.

PT Equityworld  Us Dollar flirts with the high of 14 years December 21, 2016 As Overall Performance, Equity World, Equity World Futures

Nikkei in Japan added 0.4 percent in the trade in the beginning, while the main index in Australia has climbed to its highest level in nearly 17 months after the Wall Street has accumulated most of disks.

The dollar have been delighted by his performance bonus, rapidly increasing, with the federal reserve back on the road of tightening, even as its peers in Europe and Japan are acting to keep their territory of negative rates in the short-term in-depth.

The source DailyBrief Asia - directly in your inbox, the dollar index, which measures it against a basket of currencies, stood at 103.260 have touched 103,65, its highest level since December 2002. The dollar was also back edge up to 117,80 yen, in view of its recent high at 118.66, while the euro remained pinned to $1,0394.

PT EQUITYWORLD : The U.S. Dollar and Stock Return Print Record Wallstreet Dec 21, 2016

Wall Street, the Dow Jones has finished only 25 points of the magical barrier of 20 000, helped by a gain of 1.68% at Goldman Sachs. Stocks have been on a tear since the presidential election on 8 November, with the Dow Jones up 9 % and the S & P 500 adding 6% on Bets that the plans of Donald Trump as President-elect of the deregulation, and infrastructure spending could Push profits and growth.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.46 per cent Tuesday, while the S & P 500 gained 0.36 per cent and the Nasdaq up 0.49 per cent. Eight of the 11 sectors in the S & P large Rose, led by a jump of 1.23 % in the index financial.

After the bell, Nike rose 3 percent on a strong quarterly report from the seller of sports clothing. Not happy european share senior 11‑month-wide Tuesday, as the banking index in Italy rose 2.3 percent after the government decided to ask for parliamentary approval to borrow € 20 billion to ensure the stability of its banks.

The emerging markets have not been nearly as pleased by the victory of the Trump, as the threat of tariffs has prompted fears of a trade war, as the rise in yields of US have drawn far out of the funds. Benchmark yields of 10 years in the UNITED STATES have increased by nearly 80 basis points since the beginning of November to reach 2.56 percent.

The data of the Institute of international Finance showed non-resident investors had pulled $ 23 billion of new portfolios from the market since the beginning of October. The outputs have triggered the longest continuous alert " reversal ", since the organization has begun to issue the notice in 2005.

Chinese markets have also been destabilised by the move from Beijing to tighten control of the banking activities are fictitious and liquidity problems. Index of the broader MSCI's actions Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, were up 0.3% in early trade, but that followed several days of losses. In the commodity markets, prices pushed higher for a fourth session to challenge the new Libya had reopened the pipeline after a deadlock of two years that ended this month in oil.

Future gross u.s. rose 24 cents to 52,54 per barrel. Benchmark Brent crude futures settled 43 cents firmer at 55,35 $. Gold, which is held at $ 1 132,90 an ounce as a dollar american farm kept pinned near low 10-1/2 months from last week of $ 1 122,35. PT EQUITYWORLD FUTURES

Friday, December 16, 2016

PT EQUITYWORLD : Gold Prices Down 1 Percent, Reaches Lowest In 10.5 Months

PT Equityworld-The price of gold reached the lowest level since the beginning of February to the end of the trading day on Friday morning (16/12), after the Federal Reserve raised U.S. interest rates, resulting in an increase in Treasury yields and menngkatkan the dollar to the highest in 14 years.

Spot-gold-price-LLG-down 1.2 percent to $ 1,129.62 per ounce. The price of gold had reached the 10.5-month low of $ 1,13

The price of U.S. gold futures for February delivery ended at $ 1,129.80 per ounce.

The interest rates with a view to increasing the range of 0.50-0.75 per cent on Wednesday, the U.S. Central Bank expected to be even faster the next year, the government broke the promise of a new Donald Trump, to cut taxes and increase spending.

This triggered a rally in the US dollar, pushing the price of the asset in the currency, while the yields on US Treasuries rose, lifting the opportunity cost of holding gold.
2.15 per ounce.

Wall Street End Up, The Dow Jones Heading For 20K | PT EQUITYWORLD

The gold holdings of world's largest-backed exchange-ETF, the SPDR Gold Shares etf, down about 10 percent from mid-November. Holdings fell again on Wednesday, with a capacity of 6.8 tons.

Indian demand cash crunch has pushed "in the last few weeks, after the officials stop the use of several bonds issued by the bank, while merchants in China, said the People's Bank of China has imported limited to the gold market is the largest in the world.

Meanwhile, silver fell by 4.4 percent to $ 16,08 per ounce, and platinum was lower by 1.5 percent at $ 909,99.

Palladium, against the trend, between the most important precious metals, was up by 0.4 percent to $ 722,50. The white metal is mainly used in auto catalysts, and tend to be more correlated with the asset cyclical in addition to gold, silver and platinum.

P estimates the gold price for the next trade is a weak movement after The Fed increased US interest rates, so an increase in the US dollar encourage. To see, however,, bargain hunting, after the gold price fell sharply. The price of gold is not expected that movement in range-support $ 1,128-$ 1,126, but once the price rises to the resistance area of $ 1,132-$ 1,134.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE Fed Meeting Tuesday, Precious Metals Depressed

PT Equityworld-Comex gold prices weakened in trading this morning, Monday (12/12/2016).

The price of gold fell $ 3.4 or 0.29% to US $ 1,158.5 per ounce.

Gold prices fell ahead of the US central bank meeting that was held on 13-14 December 2016.

Decision amount of the most awaited interest rate market on the closing meeting to schedule a meeting in 2016.

PT Equityworld : The Gold Price Down Low 10 Months Hindered Rising US rate hike expectations

The market expects a rate hike the Fed Funds Rate at a meeting in December 2016.

"The chance of a rate hike at the Fed meeting in December has risen to 91%," said analyst Waterfront Securities Octavianus Marbun in his weekly research.

In addition, he said, the victory of Donald Trump in the last US election, has provoked speculation implementing his campaign promise to increase spending on infrastructure that will encourage inflation and rising interest rates sooner.

PT Equityworld

Thursday, December 8, 2016

PT Equityworld : Gold Prices Rising Ahead of ECB Meeting

PT Equityworld-Gold prices extended gains in late trade on Thursday morning (08/12), rebounding from a 10-month low this week as the US dollar weakened against the euro ahead of a meeting of the European Central Bank.

LLG spot gold price was up 0.44 percent at $ 1,173.99 per ounce. Gold stayed near 10-month lows on Monday after ending the previous session nearly flat.

US gold futures for February delivery ended at $ 1,177.50 per ounce.

PT Equityworld : Wall Street Up Over 1 Percent, Dow Jones and S & P 500 Print New Record High

In November, the precious metal posted its biggest monthly decline in more than three years. Losing streak continued into December as fears of rising US interest rates, increased interest for risk and a stronger dollar all weighed on prices at the time of waning demand from top consumer, China and India.

The European Central Bank is expected to extend its quantitative easing program when it meets on Thursday, but questions remain about whether it will scale back its monthly asset purchases and sends a signal at the end of the official end of the program.

The Fed is expected to raise interest rates at a meeting next week, a move seen as a negative for gold, due to higher US interest rates raised the opportunity cost of holding gold, and boost the US dollar.

Among other precious metals, silver was up 2.6 percent at $ 17.14 an ounce, after rising to $ 17.24, the highest since November 14th.

Palladium was down 0.7 percent at $ 731.50, while platinum was 0.7 percent higher at $ 940.80.

Analyst PT Equityworld Research Center estimates that the price of gold to move higher next trade will be limited to the weakening US dollar. However, it should be observed strengthening of Wall Street and the planned increase in US interest rates could depress prices approaching. The gold price is expected to move in the range of $ 1,176- $ 1.178 Resistance, but if the price drops will move in the range of $ 1,172- $ 1.170 Support.

"PT Equityworld"

Monday, December 5, 2016

PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE Referendum Defeat Renzi Italian, Precious Metals directly jump to 1,180

PT Equityworld-Comex gold prices in trading this morning, Monday (05/12/2016) jumps to the level of 1180, after the distressed securities Trump and the possibility of Fed rate hikes in December 2016.

Comex gold February contract opened higher $ 4.8 or 0.41% to US $ 1,182.6 per ounce.
Gold breached 1,180 level.

At pk. 7:27 pm, so it rose to US $ 3.2 or 0.27% to US $ 1,181 per ounce.

Gold futures rose on when there are signs of political uncertainty, following Italian referendum held on Sunday.

"There is concern what will happen with this referendum. A bit of buying at the current gold market uncertainties," said Chris Gaffney, president of EverBank World markets St Louis as quoted by Bloomberg, Monday (05/12/2016).

PT Equityworld : Gold Prices Rise Supported Weekend weakening US dollar; Weekly Still Negative

As is known Italian referendum back to surprise, after the UK opted out of the EU.

Polls show about 59% of Italians voted against the plans of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to control the power of the Senate of Italy.

As is known referendum on Sunday (12/04/2016).

"I have lost. We gave Italy the opportunity to change, but we did not succeed," Renzi said in a televised statement, as quoted by Bloomberg, Monday (12/05/2016).

Renzi is currently 41 years old.

Reuters suggests Renzi suffered a major defeat and sent the euro lower. Previously, Renzi has said he will resign if Italy refused his plan to reduce the role of the upper house Senate.

PT Equityworld

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE Back Horn Markets, Precious Metals Approach 2,000 Level Again

pt equityworld
PT Equityworld-Comex gold prices continue gains this morning, Tuesday (29/11/2016).

After yesterday rose 1.05% and terkerek to the level of 1190, on Tuesday, December Comex gold contract opened higher at US $ 2.4 or 0.20% to US $ 1,193.2 per ounce.

At pk. 6:18 pm, so Comex gold rose $ 3, or 0.25% to US $ 1,193.8 per ounce.

As we all know gold has left the 2,000 level since November 23.

Gold has even reached the lowest level in six months on 25 November 2016 at US $ 1178.4 per ounce.

Gold futures posted the largest increase in trade last four weeks, as the US dollar weakened.

The dollar index Aspad apenutupan Monday or Tuesday morning trading fell 0.33% to 101.16.

PT Equityworld : Gold Prices Rise After Retreat Dollar and US Treasury Yields

Gold has lost more than 6% this month, stressed the promise of American elected president Donald Trump to promote development that increased speculation the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December.

The condition is curbing demand for assets that do not deliver results, among other things gold.

"Rotation of gold as the dollar fell. Markets are also awaiting US employment data on Friday," said Jason Schenker, president of Prestige Economics LLC, as quoted Boomberg, Tuesday (11/29/2016).

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE NOVEMBER 16 Starred In Trading Yesterday, Listen Movement Today

PT Equityworld-Samuel Sekuritas predicts Indoenesia rupiah movement in trading Wednesday (16/11/2016) will be affected by the meeting of the board of governors meeting (RDG) of Bank Indonesia.

Economist Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia Rangga Cipta said the rupiah was stable at Rp13.300 although some exchange rates in Asia have started higher on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, investor focus now switches to the announcement this afternoon RDG BI predicted RR maintain the BI rate at 4.75%. Currently BI view of external shocks that suppress rupiah will only be temporary. BI is also still active in the foreign exchange market and government securities in order to stabilize prices in the middle of the outflow of foreign funds rushing.

Read : PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE NOVEMBER 16 Starred In Trading Yesterday, Listen Movement Today

"The rupiah depreciation is likely corrected today although generally the external pressure is maintained. The focus is also focused on the decision of his case Ahok case today," he said in a research.

Meanwhile, crude oil prices rose sharply on speculation production cuts by OPEC back up. However, on the other hand, US manufacturing data improved amid Trump Effect maintain the upward trend in the US dollar index up early this morning to stay above 100. "The easing of shock in the global market opportunity to correct the sharp weakening exchange rate of the majority of developing countries."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PT Equityworld : EXCHANGE RUPIAHS 9 NOVEMBER: Spot Gains 12 points to 13 072

PT Equityworld-Rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar in trading today, Wednesday (11/09/2016) opened up 29 points or 0.22% to Rp13.055 / US $.

Rupiah opened during the US presidential election is closed, and a number of quick calculations done.
Rupiah. - .Bisnis / Rahmatullah

As is known rupiah closed higher on Tuesday (11/08/2016).

The rupiah closed thin appreciated 0.02% or 2 points to Rp13.084 per US dollar after trading at around Rp13.058 - Rp13.099 per US dollar.

Read : PT Equityworld : GOLD PRICE NOVEMBER 9 At 8:24 pm, AST Level Up 2.20 Points to US $ 1,267.70

Strengthening rupiah yesterday came as other currencies in Southeast Asia vary. The Singapore dollar fell slightly by 0.03%, 0.15% weaker Thai baht, the Malaysian ringgit rose 0.25%, and the Philippine peso weakened slightly, by 0.08%.

Meanwhile, the US dollar index which measures the movement of the dollar against other major currencies tracked down 0.18%, or 0.180 points to 97.601 positions at 16:08 GMT, ahead of the US presidential election diselenggaraknnya.

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